Marketing as a Consumer

I recently had a call with someone who was looking into paying to advertise on a billboard. They wanted to do something where they could start attracting potential home sellers to give them a phone call. My question was simple. “When was the last time you called a phone number you have seen on a billboard?

When I speak to people about there business, there is a major disconnect between the way people advertise their business and the marketing they respond to. I have seen plenty of people spend thousands of dollars on billboards, mailers, postcards, and grocery cart ads. Then they get upset when they do not get a response dispite spending thousands of dollars.

Before you spend any money on advertising, you need to ask yourself a very simple question. Is this something I would respond to as a consumer?

If you have never called the number on a billboard, don’t pay for billboards. If you have never called when you got a letter in the mail with a business card, don’t send letters in the mail with business cards. Focus on the kind of marketing that actually appeals to you.

Now I know what some of you are saying. “This is about brand recognition, not direct call to action”. OK, there is a problem there too. Think about it like this. What was the last billboard you saw? What was the last postcard that came to your house? When you went to the grocery store, who’s picture was on the cart?

If you are like me, you probably don’t know the answer to any of these questions. So how good is that company’s branding going if you don’t know any of those questions?

When you think about marketing, find companies similar to your own that you like to use. Then look into what their process looks like. Actually study the things they are doing and see what converted you into a customer. Was is Facebook advertising? Was it email marketing? Was it an Instagram post? Did they simply give you a link to purchase from Amazon right away?

The key is not to fall for the hype of what marketers tell you “works”. Looks instead on what works on you and start from there. Don’t pay for things that would not produce the desired response in yourself.


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