You are saying it wrong

Sales training is great, but it is worthless if you do not know WHAT you sell. And one of the major issues we have in modern business is the disconnect between sales and marketing. So many of us are saying the same things.

  • We can save you time and money”. Really? No s***. Doesn’t everyone promise that?

  • We have more features than anyone.” Great, but anyone can make things more complex. At what point did you just duct tape a wrench to something and call it a multi-tool?

  • “We have the best ______ in the industry”. According to who?

The fact is most business is a miserable slog. We are saying the same thing over and over and simply trying to scale luck. We hope if our message gets in front of enough people that maybe, just maybe, we will succeed.

What if, maybe, we should remake our message?

  • Diagnose and Treat

    It all begins with figuring out what is wrong and coming up with a plan. I can tell you a lot about sales, but you don’t need to know everything. You need to know the NEXT thing. Focusing on everything means you are focused on nothing.

  • Tell Your Story

    Talking TO a customer doesn’t help you. You need someone who is engaged in a two-way conversation. Stories are the best way to get a customer curious about you. Creating a great story,gets customers to care about you.

  • Feel Something

    Money does not motivate people the way you think it does. I know, Capitalist blasphemy. But money is just a tool to help get what someone wants. What emotions does your product or service strive to really create in customers?

  • Fix Your Funnel

    Let me guess, Marketing is supposed to load people into funnel and sales is supposed to move them through it. But it seems like Marketing and Sales have become West Side Story style gangs. Let’s get marketing in sales on the same page for a change.

Ready to fix something?

These are just a simple overview of things that we can help you streamline. If you want to talk more about your specific problems and see if we align on our tactics, the best thing to do would be to schedule a time to talk.
(203) 206-5676 (Text Preferred)