There is no one size fits all.

We cannot know where you are facing problems in your business with generalities. I cannot say for sure it is the reps, the management, the messaging or the marketing. There are so many different places a chain can be broken, and any weak leak can destroy a business. Broken Salespeople is here to figure out which links are the most in jeopardy and build them back up to code.

The ground level

Sometimes the issue is simply your team needs to try things in a new way. The old school “always be closing” doesn’t seem to work. 80% of phone calls go to voicemail and only 5% of those calls are returned. It is time to try something different. Dialing for dollars and making it up by volume are dead. Let’s step up their sales game and give them more tools than just a phone and an outdated script.

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Bosses are not Leaders

Most sales managers are promoted because they are good at sales, justifiably so. But just because you are good at sales does not mean you are good at TEACHING sales. Teaching and training are drastically different skill sets. Are they simply “checking to see how the _______ deal is going.”? Well, they may need some help learning how to teach what they already naturally know how to do.

Click here to learn more.

It is HOW you say it

Do you have 10 minutes to talk to see if we can save you time and money?” No, they do not, because almost every company promises that. Your messaging sucks, and that is why you are seeing salespeople burn out faster than a ginger on a Florida beach in July. You are teaching them to say the wrong things, and you are losing good people because of it.

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Bring on the customers!

Most marketing is set for either quality or quantity. Salespeople hate the quantity leads. You know those “free downloadable PDF” ads that create tons of emails (many fake) and almost no sales. Yeah, we do too. How do we fix your marketing strategy to find your real ideal customers?

Click here to learn more

Ready to fix something?

These are just a simple overview of things that we can help you streamline. If you want to talk more about your specific problems and see if we align on our tactics, the best thing to do would be to schedule a time to talk.
(203) 206-5676 (Text Preferred)