Sales management is the hardest job out there

Front line sales is one of the toughest and least appreciated roles in modern corporate culture. Look at how many directions sales managers are being crushed from?

  • Salespeople who have their own emotions and fears and need training

  • C-suites and owners that have unrealistic standards

  • Being “bad cop” when there is a customer complaint

  • Being subject to work with vendors and implement software they likely had no say in.

Don’t forget that they are also held accountable for being apart of almost every meeting in an organization.

We created the position in a way that we are overwhelming them and expecting them to keep every party with different goals happy. Make sure you are supporting your managment team in a way that puts them in a position to succeed.

  • Diagnose and Treat

    It all begins with figuring out what is wrong and coming up with a plan. I can tell you a lot about sales, but you don’t need to know everything. You need to know the NEXT thing. Focusing on everything means you are focused on nothing.

  • Coach the Coaches

    Just because you were an all-star player, does not make you a great coach. Teaching is a skill, and it is something many sales managers do are not skilled in. t. We need to do more than simply monitoring KPIs and chasing CRM entries.

  • Group Training

    What are your sales meetings usually like? Do you watch eyes glaze over every week as you talk about KPIs over and over again? Most sales meetings are garbage because they are manager centric. We need to build sales meeting worth going to.

  • Hiring / Retention

    Do you just “get a good feeling” about someone or are there specific things you are looking for? What personalities do you want for with each role? If you find someone, how do you plan to keep them? You need a strategy to have the best team.

Ready to fix something?

These are just a simple overview of things that we can help you streamline. If you want to talk more about your specific problems and see if we align on our tactics, the best thing to do would be to schedule a time to talk.
(203) 206-5676 (Text Preferred)