About Red.

Let’s be honest, you don’t really want to read this.

I know, this is a weird way to start, but we know it is true.

So let’s keep it simple. I learned through grunt work. You know those tasks you hate about working in sales, I SURVIVED on them. The worst part of every sales job was my day-in-day-out.

I sold door to door with numerous products until I passed out from heat exhaustion.

I sold vacuum cleaners until all the dust put a hole in my lung.

I made cold calls, built databases, and stared out the window at empty car lots.


Around age 30, I was turned onto a book called SPIN Selling by Neil Rackham. Simply put, it changed my life. SPIN helped me realize that my managers were…

Dramatic drumroll…


I know, it does not sound like a massive revelation to most of you, but I was under the impression THEY were the experts. They knew best how to sell their products.

They weren’t. They were just the best available candidate at the time.

SPIN helped me realize that if I wanted the best information, I had to find it myself.

From there I started DEVOURING audiobooks. I started challenging everything I ever heard from my managers. And not just sales books either. I’d read motivational books, management books, psychology texts, marketing books.

So why do you care?

Simply put, you need an expert who has sales and small business consultant who has helped THOUSANDS of small business owners and salespeople. Someone who has worked with one of the largest coaching companies in the Real Estate industry, and helped people build businesses from scratch.

I have seen people go from empty pipelines to scheduling appointments with multiple C-Suite people within three days simply by changing their approach. She ended up landing a deal so big it ended up being publicized on Yahoo Finance.

Small business owners have gone from shot-gunning 500 cold LinkedIn messages PER WEEK to getting clients and seeing a less than 0.2% response rate to having enterprise level dream clients within only a couple of months.

Employee churn. Customer churn. Recruiting. Marketing. Sales training processes. I have created solutions to all of them. Odds are in a few coaching sessions we can build a sales strategy that helps you find customers who actually stay customers.

It is time to go fix yourself.

-Red Stafstrom